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2024 China EV100 Forum: Dr. Liu Jincheng talks about the new stage of EVE Energy power batteries development

Mar 20,2024

From March 15th to 17th, with the theme of "Consolidating and Expanding the Advantages of New Development", the China EV100 Forum (2024) was held in Diaoyutai, Beijing. Dr. Liu Jincheng, Chairman of EVE Energy, was invited to attend and delivered a speech named "A New Stage of EVE Energy Power Batteries Development".


The following is a selected transcript of the speech:After the speeches of the leadership experts yesterday, what impressed me the most was that everyone was talking about entering the knockout stage. The knockout stage is very cruel, it means that someone is going to be eliminated. It not only means that a company or a brand will be eliminated, but also thousands of people will lose their jobs and hundreds of billions of money will be wiped out. As a practitioner in the battery industry, I hope that every car manufacturer can develop well, so I wonder if we can turn the knockout stage into a friendly, which is about cooperation and communication. This is my expectation, but I know it is not easy.At present, the two-strong-player pattern in the power battery field is very significant. Based on this pattern, last year I proposed that "the power battery industry has entered a new stage of rational and healthy development." There is actually no future for only doing its own "volume". I think we should return to the most essential and basic capabilities of the industry, which is to improve technology and quality levels and do a solid job in basic skills. There is no knockout stage for battery companies. We must truly understand the nature of this industry and do valuable work. Improving quality to the point where it does not lead to major quality risks and no quality complaints from customers in the final market is the fundamental guarantee for survival.Therefore, for EVE Energy, we insist on doing our own research and development, adhere to multiple technical routes simultaneously, and avoid strategic misjudgments. We are engaged in solid-state batteries, lithium metal secondary batteries, sodium-ion batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, etc., especially lithium metal secondary batteries, which is the core of EVE Energy. We have always been the largest user of lithium metal in the world, playing a leading role in the field of lithium metal batteries. At present, EVE lithium metal batteries have been used in some special application scenarios. No one dares to say which battery will be the mainstream in the future, or which product will really disappear, so the simultaneous development of multiple technical routes is EVE Energy's arrangement.However, we still have focuses. Two years ago, EVE Energy proposed the technology direction of large cylinderical and large iron lithium batteries, now we still adhere to this strategy. In machinery such as automobiles, the dimensional stability of components is extremely critical. The standard size of large cylindrical batteries does not change, but the sustainability of cyclic applications and the safety of system design are extremely great. The application of large-iron lithium batteries in energy storage has received good response in the market, and we are also taking the initiative to build production lines. In the process of future technological upgrading, EVE Energy is already in a position of active development.This year is the quality year of EVE Energy. With the continuous improvement of production levels, we hope that the quality of the batteries delivered this year will be at a high level.

EVE Energy has another characteristic that is different from other companies in the industry. Our three businesses of consumer batteries, power batteries, and energy storage batteries develop in a balanced manner. EVE Energy's consumer batteries are doing relatively well in the industry. Two days ago, we organized a full production ceremony for cylindrical batteries. The production of 18650 batteries and 21700 batteries reached the level of 100 million units a month. As a veteran battery person, I am very happy to share this joy with everyone. EVE Energy is doing good in the fields of energy storage and power batteries as well. In 2023, the power battery business volume increased by 130%, and the installed capacity of energy storage batteries ranked top 3 in the world. I believe that EVE Energy will perform better in 2024 due to the improvement of our technical level and quality.The internationalization process of EVE Energy is also proceeding step by step. The Hungarian factory has begun construction, and the Malaysian factory will be put into production by the end of this year. We are building our own global manufacturing and global service capabilities. The formation of such capabilities allows our advantageous industrial chain to serve the sustainable development of mankind around the world.

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